The Respond

Let me introduce my friend. His name is Mine, he is my friend in mind, he live in my brain and Im sure he pee in it too. He talk too much and always over thinking. I think he lil smart, but sometimes I prefer to think twice before I hear and do what he was talking to me. He has super wild fantasy about everything, include porn videos that I watch and accidentally I transfer it tho him. My bad.

And now, there is one song that I always hear from his mouth. Actually I dont know where is his mouth, but I always hear what he is singing about. Loudly, sometimes lowly, like whisper to me,, "Galaaant, Iam inside youuu". The theme of song change in periodical time. Now, he sing about live and work. And you know? what is the song title that he singing is??? He never talk tome about the title of the song, but from the lyric I guess the title that match with the song is "Good work for good reward".

And this is the song..